I'm back to rant and wail. For the record I try not to bombard you with too many stories of nonsensical bureaucoracy, however this time I feel I have good reason.
You'll remember that I mentioned how for some mysterious reason the Office of Immigration had mailed back all my paperwork saying they couldnt validate my visa, and how, per their instructions, had waited 5 hours at the Prefecture to find out that I need to apply for a different kind of visa. Keeping in mind that I am the only assistant I know of (first or second year) who has been asked to follow these steps, I contacted the woman who is responsible for the English assistants at yet another office. After over a week of completely contradictory emails, she finished by telling me point blank that she didn't understand my file. She left me with the phone number for another woman, at yet another office. This woman, though very nice and patient, wasn't much help either. When I asked her if she had a more direct number for the Office of Immigration who I'd been trying to get a hold of for some time then (read: had called 30 times and been disconneceted each time), she made a very French sounding and impressive sigh and said that if I managed to get a hold of them to tell her and that they have big problems with their phone system (read: general management??). Okay.
It seems the more I search to do right (read: legally) and iron this thing out the more difficult it gets. Interesting system right?
I resigned myself to tackling the laundry list of documents required for my appointment for this "new" visa. Included was a piece of paper I didn't posess nor had ever heard of. I called the appropriate office and was assured that my work contract replaced it. Okay. Next I need proof that I passed the medical visit at OFII last year which is a number they assign and stamp in your passport after you see the doctor. Well, last year after I got the number stamped in my passport I got a follow up letter from my friends saying they had made a mistake and issued me a new number on an 8.5x11 piece of paper I was supposed to keep with me anytime I traveled for the rest of my life, which I promptly lost.
After tearing significant amounts of my hair out, I decided to take a more direct approach and go straight to the source. The woman at the Prefecture did not know why I needed a different kind of visa, neither did the woman at the Rectorat or the Direccte, so the solution must lie at the Office of Immigration, where this whole sordid affair began. Since it was more than clear at that point that I wasn't getting through using any modern methods of communication such as phone or email, I decided to make a personal appearance.
The things I would like to do to that place are probably best not posted on the internet. I arrive and go straight to the information where the woman is cool as a cucumber which to me seemed curious given the amount of phone traffic I imagined had to go through that place to cause them to have to disconnect incoming calls upwards of 30 times. I imagined a secret back room somewhere stocked with secretaries frantically answering and (dis)connecting calls as fast as humanly possible. Think Mad Men. To make a long story short she did not tell me anything new nor give me a satisfactory answer as to why I am the only assistant obliged to perform these acrobatics but they did reissue me my medical number.
I went to my appointment on Thursday and now have the visa I need to stay here. Apparently according to them it isn't strange that I have to get this new visa but that all the other assistants don't as it's requisite for people returning for a second stay. Effective.
The kicker: upon returning home from my appointment I get an email that the missing paper I had originally called about (the one they assured me I didn't need) was ready to be picked up in case i needed it for my appointment that day. Thanks.
So glad all that's over.
A bientôt!