08 November 2011

Business as Usual

One of my no-longer-so-secret favorite things to do is spy on what people in the grocery line with me are buying. It's like an amped up version of people watching. At smaller (read: more expensive) local grocery stores it is even better, as people really boil it down to the essentials. I love to imagine (read: judge) what kind of life that person might have. Recently I've seen:

A single shallot, one steak, creme fraîche, and chocolate pudding. A bachelor feeling especially inspired?

Toilet paper and a bottle of red wine. Girl after my own heart.

Whisky and a candy bar. Typical Thursday night.

And 3 different kinds of cat food. I'd rather not to know.

Tomorrow I'm heading back to the Prefecture to figure out this visa business. Sometimes I hate France. Good thing the wine is cheap.

1 comment:

  1. OMG- too funny, right? I never have time to look in other people's baskets. Maybe that's a good thing...on the other hand, it could be quite amusing at times, I'm sure. I like the wine and toilet paper chic!! hahaa
